The Origions of Selloria

Water Goddess

This page contains links to the "facts" we have created for the goddess and the races, creatures, and religion unique to each of them. It also holds a brief look at how Selloria was first created. In case you are wondering, I am the goddess of earth. I will be refering to the others helping with this project by their role in the sellorian world.

Selloria first came into existance in around 1995 or so when a friend and I were wasting time one evening. We decided to start creating a world for storries or games to be based in. We decided to use the elemental aproach and divide the world and its creatures into earth, air, water, and fire with a goddess ruling over each. As we started giving characteristics to each goddess we began to realize that the traits of the newly created deitys could easly describe us and two other close friends of ours. Thus it seemed like a good idea to make each of us a goddess over the element that best suited us. This would devide the work of builing the world so that each of us would only have to create the creatures and people under the protection of our own element.

Fire Goddess

Thus it had begun... lol. We started sketching out characters and tossing around ideas for story plots and possible histories for our would. We decided to use myths and cultures of the real world for inpiration and made up a chart deviding the information by the element. Another friend became interested in working on the project as well and we decided to make her our "high priestess" and the author of the religions that would be followed by our various followers.

The origonal goddess of air decided that she no longer wanted to be a deity, and another friend has replaced her as ruler over the rather insubstanial but ever present domain. Welcome to where ever this is Goddess of Air ; )

Air Goddess

The last few years have been hectic for all of us, so we have been picking away at Selloria rather slowely. We have now decided to create a game based on our ideas. It will be called Loyalty Lies (at this point anyway...) and will be a world built for the free game Well of Souls.

If you have any interest in participating in creating a world and having lots of fun, just drop me a line at

Earth Goddess

Much of our worlds information is still only roughed out on paper or tucked away in our heads. We will add information as it is converted to web pages, feel free to wander back and check how the project progresses. The following links will take you to information about the domains of the goddesses.

Earth Goddess' Fauna